

Conferences and Workshops

  • Non-Stationary Spectral Kernels
  • A Mutually-Dependent Hadamard Kernel for Modelling Latent Variable Couplings
  • Classification of weak multi-view signals by sharing factors in a mixture of Bayesian group factor analyzers
    • Sami Remes, Tommi Mononen, Samuel Kaski
    • In MLINI 2015 – 5th NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging, 2015.
    • [preprint] [workshop] [proceedings] [code]
  • Characterizing unknown events in MEG data with group factor analysis
    • Sami Remes, Arto Klami, Samuel Kaski
    • In Proceedings of the 3rd NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging 2013, 2013.
    • [pdf] [poster] [workshop site]