My new wonderful Jolla phone missed a WiFi hotspot app, so I decided to write one myself.
GitHub repository can be found at An RPM package is also available for install.
If you try this, please note that this is a very first version, and may contain bugs. It relies on the Connection Manager (connman) bindings for QT5 to enable the WiFi tethering functionality.
Edit: If you found this through Google or something, there is now a better app now available in Jolla Store called Tethering by jlehtoranta, and you probably should use that instead.
Saisiko tämän Jolla kauppaan?
Joo, tarkoitus olisi lähettää se Harbouriin/Storeen, kunhan ehdin.
Luoko tämä ad-hoc -verkon (kuten N9) vai ihan oikean hotspotin?
Tekee ihan normaalin WPA-suojatun verkon.
But question is: is AP hotspot created or only ad-hoc hotspot as is on other mobiles? Many tablets may connect only to AP, not ad-hoc wifi. Edit: Now I test it with Linux notebook, hotspot is detected as infrastructure/managed WPA2/PSK .. very good. And I see it from N9. Only some time wanted before is revealed. 🙂
thank for make this wanted UI. 🙂
I have only one recommendation: on cover, split two words to two lines. In some languages words may be longer. 🙂
And maybe add hotspot name to cover. 🙂
Super, have just managed to install to my new Jolla, will try it on the train tomorrow.
But I had to scratch my head to get it installed: You need to add:
connman-qt5-devel to the PkgBR: in the .yaml file.
Otherwise you get the error the error “Package Connman not found” even if connman-qt5 is installed on the device and the SDK SB2.
Happy new year.
Just thanks for making this fine UI and thus easy way to enable hotspot on Jolla. Works great!
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